Sinus Problems – Do I Have Sinus Infection Symptoms Or Acid Reflux (GERD) Or Both? Nurse’s Guide

Oftentimes I realize when people suffer from GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) or simply acid reflux they may not be aware of it and think they’re suffering from sinusitis or even a sinus infection because the symptoms can mimic each other. You may find yourself chronically congested from one or the other or both as I have found among many sufferers.GERD or acid reflux can develop because of the valve that is on the end of the esophagus where it meets the stomach. This valve may get weakened or stop functioning properly and allow stomach acids and contents to go up the esophagus and cause symptoms that you may think are sinus symptoms or you may think they’re GERD symptoms and they may be one or the other or both conditions.You may feel symptoms such as heartburn, which is often silent, and some thick phlegm in your throat, which may cause you to clear your throat often.This constant assault on your esophagus can cause an inflammation of the esophagus. Of course you want to try to figure out if you’re suffering from acid reflux or from sinus problems like chronic sinusitis or sinus infections or both so that you can treat it naturally at home without drugs or medications.These symptoms can be worse at night because stomach acid tends to back up more so at night. Also if you have a regular or acute or chronic sinus problem you should prop yourself up on wedges and pillows at night as part of your prevention, so that infected material doesn’t go down into your bronchial tubes or lungs. You don’t want to complicate it by getting bronchitis or pneumonia. If you have sinus infections you’ll have some of the symptoms below.These are some of the symptoms that may be either acid reflux disease or GERD or sinusitis or other sinus problems: a slightly sore throat or even just a tickle or so, a strange taste in your mouth on occasion that may be hard to describe but may be sour, bitter or foul, voice problems including raspiness or hoarseness or similar, could be in the morning or as the day goes by, a cough – could be just slight occasionally or chronic, clearing of the throat or actually feel a lump or phlegm in the throat. Also you may regurgitate a little food or liquid or your tongue or mouth may feel like it’s burning at times. Sinus infection phlegm or mucus can be very irritating.So you may know you have GERD or know you have sinus problems such as sinus infections but may not know you have both because the symptoms can be confusing. So getting a better understanding of your sinuses and acid reflux (GERD) so that you can help yourself with natural treatments at home without drugs once you know what’s going on is a good place to start I’ve found.

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The Pregnant Woman & Acid Reflux Natural Remedies

Even for those women who never previously suffered from acid reflux symptoms, pregnancy can cause many symptoms that cause discomfort and frustration. Pregnancy can bring on a number of symptoms of heartburn and reflux that can cause a woman to feel sick, become irritable and frustrated. More than half of all pregnant women experience heartburn during pregnancy.This is normally attributed to changes in hormones as well the the growing womb putting pressure on the stomach.Most prescription drugs used for painful reflux come with very serious side effects already and should not be taken while pregnant. So finding natural remedies is sure to make for a smoother and more enjoyable pregnancy.Symptoms of Reflux During Pregnancy Include:· Heartburn· Nausea· Chest, Stomach and Abdominal pain· Regurgitation (food and stomach content coming back up through the esophagus)· Vomiting· And more…Acid Reflux Natural Remedies & DietUnfortunately symptoms occur at a time when a pregnant woman may feel hungrier than ever, or feel as if she needs to ‘eat for two.’ Cravings can also make a woman eat food she may not otherwise. What a woman eats can make all the difference in how the body reacts.Diet, meal portions and what foods are eaten are the basis for preventing uncomfortable heartburn symptoms. Making sure to have the right foods on hand and knowing what is good or bad to eat can help a woman feel her best. Of course spicy foods are most commonly blamed for causing heartburn and other reflux symptoms, but actually foods that are highly acidic are the root cause. These include a wide variety of foods that you may not think of including eggs, meat and some fruits.Certain foods can make acid reflux symptoms worse. Try avoiding:· Citrus fruits· Chocolate· Caffeinated drinks or alcohol· Spicy, fatty, or fried foods· Garlic and onions· Peppermint· TomatoesHaving foods on hand at that can be snacked on, used in cooking and taken as natural remedies will help prevent the onset of painful symptoms. These include:· Herbs such as mint, basil and green tea· Ginger· Apple cider vinegar· Milk· Chewing gum after meals· Honey· Baking soda & water· Keep the upper body elevated if laying down after meals· Many more…As you can see there are a range of acid reflux natural remedies that can be used for prevention, taken with meals or used after meals to reduce the likelihood of symptoms.

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